3rd May, 2019|Louisa Chender
Patrick Thornton-Smith’s last ask for FFK as his replacement hip says “no” to long distance races
Futures for Kids (FFK) founder trustee Patrick Thornton-Smith will tackle the upcoming “fun run” somewhat uniquely as he instead pushes wheelchair bound Dave Setters round the course.
Thornton-Smith and former FFK trustee Setters, who has motor neurone disease, are joining forces to raise money for FKK as part of the “fun run” that takes place at the Olympic Park in London on June 13.
This will be the last FFK “run” for Thornton-Smith, who founded the derivatives industry charity in 2008 in a bid to raise funds to support the lives of disadvantaged young people around the world.
Last year the industry veteran committed to complete a series of races over the course of the year to raise money in memory of fellow FFK trustee Bernie Connolly, who passed away last July after a long battle with cancer.
“Sadly, while finally getting under 30 minutes (just) for 5k, my aged body and replacement hip has firmly said ‘no’ to any longer distances. Ever,” he said.
He said the push, rather than run, will be "trial and error" as neither of the two have attempted it before.
“After this run I’m resigning from FFK so this will be the last ‘ask’ from me, so give generously if you can,” he said.
To make a donation to FFK, visit: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/patrick-thornton-smith3
Anyone wishing to take part in the race can register here.