1st May, 2018|WILL MITTING
The event will be held on 23 May at the Olympic Park in Stratford
Over 100 runners are now registered to take part in this month’s Futures For Kids (FFK) 10K charity run.
The run, which will take place at the Olympic Park in Stratford on the 23 May, is being held in stead of the annual Walk-to-Work to mark the 10th anniversary of the charity.
Emma Davey, a trustee of FFK and senior vice president of corporate communications at the Futures Industry Association (FIA) said: “We are pleased with the response so far and would like to thank all the sponsors who are making this possible.”
The run will begin at 18:00 and includes teams from OSTC, Women in Listed Derivatives, Fidessa, RJ O’Brien, ION, Calypso, GH Financials, Cinnober, Kite Consulting Group, Illuminate Financial, the FIA and FOW.
Competitors will range from OSTC’s Ian Firla, who recently completed his 6th marathon in the past 12 months with an average time of under 3 hours to amateurs whose major running achievements are limited to catching buses.
“There is still time to sign up and while you might be leaving it a little late to complete the couch to 5K training programme – which suggests a period of nine weeks training - a walk/run combo, which is what I intend to deliver, should not be beyond most people’s capabilities,” said Davey.
“And if you are not in London, feel free to do your own fundraising wherever you may be. We know of one supporter who will be running in Kazakstan!”
There is still time to register, to do so, visit: https://www.futuresforkids.org/events/2018/5/23/the-inaugural-ffk-10k.
To donate to one of the team, visit: https://www.justgiving.com/companyteams/FFK10K