11th February, 2016|External Author
Firms should use inhouse resources and third parties to prepare for Mifid II
By Brian Collings, CEO, Torstone Technology
There has been much discussion around the delays to theimplementation of Mifir/Mifid II, officially announced on February 10. Thefirst sign that the delay was fact rather than market rumour was when theEuropean Parliament issued a notice in November 2015 to say it had accepted theEuropean Commission's request for a delay to the enforcement of the regulationfor one year. At the time, the industry drew a sigh of relief knowing that ithad extra time to make the necessary changes to legacy systems and processes tocomply with the new rules; however, many in the industry are now saying that forthis extra time to be of use, the final Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) mustbe issued sooner rather than later.
It looks like the industry could be disappointed with thelatest timeline as while European Securities and Markets Authority published a consultation paper on draftguidelines on the application of its final draft RTS, including transactionreporting under Mifir on December 23 2015 (with responses due by 23 March 2016),the Authority is not expected to publish the final guidelines until the secondhalf of 2016.
With this in mind, the industry has said that it has noother choice than to continue to prepare for the January 2018 implementation ofMifid II/Mifir based on a combination of the draft RTS (last published onSeptember 28 2015), insights from vendors, information from peers and inhouseknowledge.
Furthermore, market participants were hoping that given thedelay to the publication of the final RTS, the regulators may recommend aphased approach to Mifid II. However, recent reports suggest that this optimismmay be ill-founded as national regulators believe that different parts of MifidII/Mifir are closely linked and while the regulation will now be officially delayedfor one year, regulators and policymakers believe that when it is implementedit should be done so in its entirety.
Further clarity around the timing and detail of the regulationwas made public in February when the proposed changes to the law werecirculated to the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union forfull legislative review.
Whilst an official delay has been announced, marketparticipants should be making preparations for Mifid II/Mifir well ahead of2018 because this approach will give them the requisite time for testing of thenew systems and to ensure compliance with the new rules.
As we have highlighted previously, the industry’s biggestworries are around the new transaction reporting obligations of Mifid II andthe amount of preparation which needs to be undertaken in order to comply withthem.
These include concerns around the increase in the number offinancial instruments which will become reportable under Mifid II/Mifir. Therule changes will nearly triple the number of reportable data fields from 23 underthe current Mifid to 65. The other issue is the need to provide personal identifiersfor the decision maker that made the decision to deal, and if different, theindividual executing the trade and/or the relevant algorithm if it was executedas such.
Aside from the data collection, firms will then need to accountfor data security, data privacy and data quality requirements on theinformation collated from across a multitude of disparate systems. In fact, insome cases, firms may find that their current reporting capabilities are notrobust and flexible enough to support the increase in volume of reportable dataand as such significant upgrades and changes will need to be made.
On top of changes to IT systems and processes, complianceteams will need to re-educate internal audiences, particularly in the frontoffice, about the changes to data requirements - with many becomingincreasingly frustrated about the new levels of data required by complianceteams and this is before Mifid II/Mifir implementation!
For these reasons, we believe that firms who are starting toprepare for Mifid II/Mifir now are taking the right approach even though the finalRTS are not going to be published until the second half of this year. Acombination of knowledge and insights from vendors, clients and peer groups, aswell as inhouse expertise should provide enough detail on how to start preparingfor the regulation now ahead of full implementation in January 2018.