10th August, 2015|William Mitting
PhillipCapital executive chairman to be presented with award in September
Mr Lim Hua Min, executive chairman for PhillipCapital groupof companies, has been named as this year’s recipient of FOW’s Awards for AsiaLifetime Achievement Award.
Mr Lim founded Phillip Securities in 1975 and has steeredthe development of the company into the multinational financial service group itis today.
PhillipCapital today employs more than 3,500 employeeswith operations in the financial hubs of 16 countries, offering a full suite offinancial products and services to over 1 million clients across the globe.
In addition to his role at PhillipCapital, Mr Lim hasbeen a pioneer of the development of Singapore as a financial hub and has servedon a number of committees and sub-committees of the Stock Exchange ofSingapore.
In 1997, he was appointed Chairman of the StockExchange of Singapore Review Committee, which is responsible for devising aconceptual framework to make Singapore’s capital markets more global,competitive and robust.
"Mr Lim has built PhillipCapital into a trulyglobal enterprise operating across a number of business classes," saidWilliam Mitting, FOW publisher.
"It is our honour to recognise his enormouscontribution to Asia’s capital markets at this year’s awards."
Previous winners of the award include Ang Swee Tianand Ng Kok Song.
The award will be presented at the Awards for AsiaGala Dinner on September 23 in Singapore.