FFK Day takes place on May 15 and various events are planned to raise cash
Futures For Kids, the charity backed by the futures and optionsindustry, has launched an appeal for supporters to donate their lunch money tothe charity ahead of its annual fund-raising day on May 15.
FFK said commuters spend on average £10.59 each day on lunchand drinks, and this sum “would be a very meaningful donation to the childrenFFK helps”.
The charity said £5 will provide a notebook and pen for 20children in Malawi, which would allow them to go to school, or pay for a birthcertificate for orphaned and vulnerable children. FFK said £10 could provide a disabledchild a wheelchair.
The charity has asked that people donate their lunch moneyvia the Futures For Kids Just Giving page.
FFK Day takes place this year on May 15 and the charity hasasked brokers, traders, exchanges, clearing houses and just about everyone elseto get involved by throwing fund-raising events, which could be almost anythingfrom a cake sale or dress down day to putting your boss in some stocks.
Participants can also take part in the annual FFK Walk toWork which has in its first three years raised over £180,000 for worthwhilecharities.
For more on FFK Day 2015, please visit its website.